And surveys away!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:21:36 AM
Howdy, Stingers!
Just to say that the smoke test surveys seem to be running just fine. Surveys to the rest of you have been released out into the wild.
Again, we're planning on locking orders in 10 days so please try to return your survey promptly. If you have any issues, reach out and one of our highly trained monkeys will get back to you as soon as possible.
Your bestie,
Keith Champagne
Surveys on their way!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:36:53 AM
Howdy, Stingers!
Good news! We received a notification this afternoon that the transfer of funds was initiated by Kickstarter. With that being said, surveys will begin going out this afternoon. The initial "smoke" test phase will begin shortly and, so long as no unforeseen issues crop up, the rest of the surveys will go out tomorrow afternoon.
We'll be locking orders in 10 days time so the book can be fulfilled on the promised schedule. So when you get your survey, please fill it out and return it within that window of time.
Thanks everyone! Back shortly to keep you all in the loop on next steps.
Your bestie,
Keith Champagne
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 09:27:59 AM
We made it! Just by the skin of our teeth due to a near-last minute cancelation but luckily, HATE STINGS still made it into the end zone.
The book is completely finished so once Kickstarter processes and deposits the funds from the campaign, the files will go to the printer. Around that some time, about 14 days from now, the surveys from Backerkit will be emailed out. We'd ask that you return your survey within a week if possible, so we can fulfill in a timely manner.
Thank you all for supporting this little campaign. We're excited to get these books into your hands.
Your bestie,
Keith Champagne
FUNDED! 24 hours to go...
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 07:05:32 AM
Howdy, Stingers!
We had an influx of new backers over the weekend and are very happy to say that this project is fully funded with a bit over 24 hours left to go! There was a bit of trepidation over how this campaign would fare: a historical Civil War-era story based on the real life, family history of a writer not widely known in the comic book field was never assumed to be an easy sell. Thank you all for making Hate Stings #1 happen; your support is incredibly appreciated.
We'd love to crack open the first stretch goal and add two extra pages of art to the book and we've got 24 hours and some change to get there! If you can help by spreading the word, we've got a shot at making it happen. LFG, as the kids say!
Either way, we'll catch up again after the campaign ends to talk about next steps. Thanks again for the support; this project is a reality because of YOU!
Your bestie,
Keith Champagne
One week to go!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 09:35:28 AM
Hi Stingers!
Just a brief update to keep in touch and, if you're not keeping score at home, let you know that there's one week left in the campaign for Hate Stings!
We've had some pledges and some cancels and, a bit frustratingly, are still at 60% funded as we begin our last week. Kickstarter campaigns often have a way of picking up over the home stretch so hopefully, we'll crash through our funding goal by the time the fat lady sings.
If you guys want to help out a little more, the best way to do so is share the link to the campaign ( to your comic book-lovin' compadres. If you have the means and want to bump your pledges up with a smidge of additional support, that's great too but the more sets of eyes we can get to peep at this project, the better.
Thanks in advance for your help, guys. If anything earthshaking happens between now and next Tuesday, I'll update you about it. Otherwise, let's chat again when the smoke clears next week.
Your bestie,
Keith Champagne